--- - import_playbook: std_packages.yml - hosts: all gather_facts: false become: true serial: 1 any_errors_fatal: yes vars_prompt: name: "confirmation" prompt: "Are you sure you want to Update with reboots? Answer with 'YES'" default: "NO" private: no tasks: - name: Check Confirmation fail: msg="Playbook run confirmation failed" when: confirmation != "YES" - name: DNF update the system dnf: name: "*" state: latest when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat' and ansible_facts ['distribution_major_version'] >= '8' - name: Yum update the system yum: name: "*" state: latest when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'RedHat' and ansible_facts ['distribution_major_version'] <= '7' - name: Reboot required command: "/usr/bin/needs-restarting -r" register: reboot_required ignore_errors: True changed_when: False failed_when: reboot_required.rc == 2 when: ansible_facts['distribution_major_version'] == "7" - name: Rebooting reboot: post_reboot_delay: 60 throttle: 1 when: reboot_required.rc == 1 and ansible_facts ['virtualization_role'] != 'host' - debug: var: reboot_required.rc verbosity: 2 - name: Check the uptime post reboot shell: uptime register: UPTIME_POST_REBOOT when: reboot_required.rc == 1 - debug: msg={{UPTIME_POST_REBOOT.stdout}} when: reboot_required.rc == 1 - name: Wait for port 443 to become open on the host, don't start checking for 60 seconds wait_for: port: 443 host: delay: 60 when: "'web' in inventory_hostname"