CentOS 7 Minimal Install

In this video I install CentOS 7 Minimal from ISO in QEMU/KVM.

After the install I configure the network to start on boot, bring up the network interface do a OS update and install some necessary packages like bind-utils, net-tools and bash-completion.

I also config tuned with the virtual-guest profile, enable sshd at boot and set sudo no password.

Fedora 29 Mate spin post install

In this video I cover some of the things I do post install on a Fedora system.

OS update
$ dnf update

#install chrome

Set sudo wheel no password

$ sudo visudo

Block root on ssh
Disable dns lookups in sshd
Start and enable sshd
$ sudo systemctl start sshd
$ sudo systemctl enable sshd

Fix my bashrc
bind ‘”\e[A”: history-search-backward’
bind ‘”\e[B”: history-search-forward’

export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth
export HISTSIZE=100000

Set up https://rpmfusion.org/

Disable ipv6

Disable screen saver password and power magnet for virtual guest

Tuned set virtual guest

Workstation build

I wanted to build a new workstation for video editing and opensource fun. I didn’t realize the the RYZEN processor does not support on board video but after installing a motherboard speaker and contacting ASUS through online chat I ordered a GTX 1050 Ti video card and success.


In this build I use:

AMD RYZEN 5 1600 6-Core 3.2 GHz

G.SKILL Flare X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) 288-Pin DDR4 SDRAM DDR4 2400 (PC4 19200)

ASUS PRIME B350-PLUS Motherboard

GIGABYTE GeForce GTX 1050 Ti

Seagate 4TB BarraCuda SATA 6Gb/s 256MB Cache

ROSEWILL Gaming 80 Plus Gold 650W Power Supply

Corsair Carbide Series 270R – Mid-Tower ATX Case

EDUP Wireless Usb Adapter 5.8GHz/2.4GHz Dual Band